Categories: Essay Writing Tips

APA 7th Edition – All You Need to Know


What is the APA 7th edition format?

What is the format for the APA 7th edition?

Order of Sections

Margins & Page Numbers

Text Format

Tables and Figures

Title Page





Appendices with Tables, Figures, & Illustrations

Annotated Bibliography


Running Head

1. How can you cite in APA 7th edition format?

2. What is the best way to cite a journal in APA 7th edition format?

3. How do you properly cite a news or magazine in APA 7th edition format?

4. How should you cite a book in APA 7th edition format?

5. What is the best way to cite a chapter from a book with editor(s) in APA 7th edition format?

6. How do you properly cite a webpage in APA 7th edition format?

7. How should you cite an online report in APA 7th edition format?

8. How do you properly cite tables and figures in APA 7th edition format?

9. How different is the APA 6th edition from the APA 7th edition? What can I do to convert APA 6th to APA 7th?

10. How is the MLA 8th edition different from APA 7th edition?

11. Is APA 7th edition available in Microsoft Word?

12. Why is the APA format usage so popular?

13. Can you download APA 7th edition?

14. How do I cite a PDF document in APA 7th as a reference?

15. What are the five levels of APA style headings?

16. Is a running head required for APA 7th edition?

17. How do you do create a hanging indent in Microsoft Word?

18. How can I save time formatting my paper?

19. How is a bibliography different from a reference list?

What is the APA 7th edition format?

The format used for the APA 7th edition is an author/date system. As a result, in-text references for sources from books, articles, journals and web documents must consist of the author(s) surname and the year of publication. Round brackets are used for this type of referencing.

What is the format for the APA 7th edition?

  • Order of Sections – This section of the paper must have the following:

    • Title page – This must have the title of the paper, the author’s full name, the name of the university and department, the class, instructor’s full name and the date of the paper.
    • The body of this section must have an introduction, literature review or background, a discussion of the main points and the conclusion.
    • References must be clearly stated.
    • Appendices must be stated and include any tables and figures used in the paper.
  • Margins and Page Numbers

    • The margins used must be 1 inch from the two sides, top and bottom of the page.
    • All paragraphs must be left aligned with the right edge ragged, it should not be “right justified”.
    • The first line of each paragraph must be indented ½ inch from the left margin
    • Page numbers must be ½ inch from the top of each page and flush with the right margin, including the title page.
  • Text Format

    • Use one of the below highly readable fonts as stated.
      • 12-point Times New Roman
      • 11-point Calibri
      • 11-point Arial
      • 10-point Lucinda Sans Unicode
      • 11-point Georgia
    • All text must be left aligned and double spaced.
    • Ensure active voice is used.
    • Limit the amount of technical jargon used.
    • Do not include periods after web addresses or DOI in the Reference List
  • Tables and Figures

    • Table and figures must be labelled numerically. For example, Table 1, Table 2, etc.
    • Each table column must have a heading and separate lines should only be used when absolutely necessary.
    • The tables and figures must be designed so that it can be easily interpreted on its own, i.e., a reference is not needed to understand the surrounding text.
    • Notes, if needed, must be placed below the tables and figures.
  • Title Page

    • Commence with the title of the paper, your full name, the name of the class and the name of the university/ college.
    • Ensure that the title of the paper is 12 words or less. Be sure to summarize the paper’s main idea.
    • Do not use abbreviations and periods.
    • Do not use italics or underline any of the words.
    • Do not use bold, all capital letters or quotation marks.
    • Center the words of the page horizontally in the top half of the page.
  • Body

    • Indent the text in the first line of the paragraph by ½ inch from the left.
    • Use double-spacing for the lines.
    • In the event that no Abstract is used, include at the top of the first page the title of the paper in bold font, centered and in Sentence Case Capitalization.
    • Make sure to include the background or literature review, introduction, discussion section and conclusion.
    • State the names of long organizations with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Following this, you can use the abbreviation.
    • Use the name of numbers from one to nine and then use the number for numbers 10 and higher. For example, one, two, 10, 11, etc.
    • Use numbers for units of measurement in tables to represent statistical and mathematical functions, times and dates.
  • Headings

    • Level 1 must be centered, bold font and in Title Case.
    • Level 2 must be left aligned, bold and in Title Case.
    • Level 3 must be left aligned, in bold italics and Title Case.
    • Level 4 must be indented ½ inch, bold, in Title Case and end with a period, followed by the required text.
    • Level 5 must be ½ inch indented, in bold italics and Title Case with a period at the end. The required text follows next.
  • Quotations

    • In-text quotations must have quotation marks and be short with no more than 40 words.
    • Quotes that are longer than 40 words must be double-spaced, indented ½ inch from the margin on the left and should not have quotation marks.
    • Quotes from an original source that have more than two paragraphs must have the first line indented ½ inch from the margin on the left.
    • If you need to omit a section from a quote, use an ellipsis (…). However, if you need to omit a section at the end of a quote, you should use four periods (….)
  • References – This must always be done on a fresh page after the content of the paper and have full citations for all the resources used in the paper.

    • The heading “Reference” must be center- aligned and bold in the uppermost section of your page.
    • Use double spacing and hanging indents where the first line of the sentence is on the left margin and all subsequent lines must be ½ inch indented and left aligned.
    • Authors’ names must be listed as last name followed by first name initial and then middle initial. For example, Wilson, A.S.
    • The list must be sorted in an alphabetized format using the first author’s last name of each citation.
    • Only the first word, the first word after the colon or em dash and proper nouns should be capitalized.
    • The second word in a hyphenated compound should not be capitalized.
    • Titles of papers should not have quotation marks.
  • Appendices with Table, Figures and Illustrations

    • These should only be included if needed to aid the reader evaluate, understand or duplicate the study or argument.
    • Each appendix should be on a new page and left aligned.
    • Texts in the first paragraph should not be indented, however, the rest must be indented.
    • If there is a single appendix, it should be labelled “Appendix”.
    • If there are more than one, they should be labelled as “Appendix A”, “Appendix B”, etc. in order of how they are stated in the paper.
    • Figures and tables must be labelled numerically and described within the text of the appendix. For example, If Appendix B has two tables, they should be labelled as Table 1 or Table B1 and Table B2.
    • Each column of a table must have its own heading and separate lines must only be used when necessary.
    • Notes, if required, must be placed below the figures and tables.
  • Annotated Bibliography

    • Each entry must have a hanging indent.
    • Use double spacing.
    • In the following annotation, the entire paragraph should be indented ½ inch from the left of the margin and the first line must be ½ inch indented.
    • Consult with your professor about which elements are to be evaluated and the annotation length.
  • Annotated Bibliography

    • Each entry must have a hanging indent.
    • Use double spacing.
    • In the following annotation, the entire paragraph should be indented ½ inch from the left of the margin and the first line must be ½ inch indented.
    • Consult with your professor about which elements are to be evaluated and the annotation length.

The below elements are not required for student papers and are optional to include if required by the professor or your field.

  • Abstract

    • This should be done on its own, new page.
    • The heading “Abstract” must be center-aligned and the first line of the text should not be indented.
    • The main points and the purpose of the paper must be summarized in 150-250 words.
    • Abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper must be defined.
  • Running Head

    • The title of the paper must be shortened to 50 characters or less, including spaces and punctuation.
    • Left align the running head in the top margin with the page number right aligned.
    • Include the shortened title of the paper in all caps at the top of every page.

For additional information, here are some questions that are frequently asked about the APA 7th edition format.

1. How can you cite in APA 7th edition format?

APA 7th edition uses an author and date system that is enclosed in brackets. For example, (Wilson & Decker, 2018)

2. What is the best way to cite a journal in APA 7th edition format?

When citing in-text references from a journal, include the quote in quotation marks along with the author(s) name(s), the year and the page number in brackets.

For example, “Green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (Bishop, 2018, p.24) or Bishop (2018) states that “green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (p.24)

For the reference list, you should list it as the author(s) name(s), year, title of paper, journal title in italics, volume in italics, issue, pages and DOI.

An example is of this is, Bishop, C. (2018). Green tea consumption and its benefits. Journal of Good Health. 16(32), 12-16.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

3. How do you properly cite a news or magazine in APA 7th edition format?

In-text citing should include the author(s) name(s), the year and the page number in brackets, and only use quotation marks if the quote was taken from a print newspaper or magazine. An example of this is, …immigrant workers help our economy (Banner & Cox, 2014).

When citing in the reference list, it should be, the author(s) name(s), year and publication date, article title, title of publication in italics and the URL (if web article is used).

For example, the reference would be Banner, C and Cox, D. (2014, April 2). The impact of immigrants. The Economist Speaks.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

4. How should you cite a book in APA 7th edition format?

When citing in-text references from a book, include the quote in quotation marks along with the author(s) name(s), the year and the page number in brackets.

For example, “Green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (Bishop, 2018, p.24) or Bishop (2018) states that “green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (p.24).

However, when citing for the reference list, you should use the author(s) name(s), year, title of the book in italics and the publisher.

For example, Bishop, C. (2018). Green tea consumption and its benefits. Carlong Publishers.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

5. What is the best way to cite a chapter from a book with editor(s) in APA 7th edition format?

When citing in-text references from a chapter of a book, include the quote in quotation marks along with the author(s) name(s), the year and the page number in brackets.

For example, “Green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (Bishop, 2018, p.24) or Bishop (2018) states that “green tea is the most consumed tea in the world.” (p.24).

However, when citing for the reference list, you should use the author(s) name(s), year, title of the book in italics and the publisher.

For example, Bishop, C. (2018). Green tea consumption and its benefits. Carlong Publishers.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

6. How do you properly cite a webpage in APA 7th edition format?

When doing in-text citations, include the author(s) name(s) and the year in brackets.

For example, …experience with dementia (Carter, 2012) or Janet Carter (2012) states that the family had many experiences with dementia.

For the reference list, you should include the author(s) name(s), year and date, title in italics, and the URL.

An example of this is, Carter, J. (2012, May 20). Dementia is elderly patients.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

7. How should you cite an online report in APA 7th edition format?

In-text citations must include the author(s) name(s) and the year in brackets.

For example, …population growth has increased (Statistical Institute of Bahamas, 2020) or According to the Statistical Institute of Bahamas (2020) …

When writing the citation for the reference list, you should include the author(s) name(s), year, report title in italics and the URL.

For example, Statistical Institute of Bahamas. (2020). Population growth report.

The first line of the citation must be left aligned and all subsequent lines must be indented 5-7 spaces.

8. How do you properly cite tables and figures in APA 7th edition format?

An in-text figure or table must have a succinct title in title case and italics that clearly explains its contents below the figure or table number and above the figure or table itself.

9. How different is the APA 6th edition from the APA 7th edition? What can I do to convert APA 6th to APA 7th?

The APA 7th edition is very similar to the APA 6th edition except for the following changes. Ensure the below are reflected in your paper when converting from APA 6th to APA 7th edition.

  • The publisher location is not required for books.
  • The type of eBook is no longer required; however, the name of the publisher must be stated.
  • You don’t need to include “Retrieved from” before the URL for a website.
  • The format for stating the DOI has changed to URL
  • You can include up to 20 authors in a reference list before having to use an ellipsis.
  • Shorten references with more than three authors to the first author and et al.

10. How is the MLA 8th edition different from APA 7th edition?

Some people have asked how MLA 8th edition is different from APA, it is different in that MLA 8th edition uses an author and page number format for in-text citations while APA uses an author and date format.

11. Is APA 7th edition available in Microsoft Word?

It is also worth noting that APA 7th edition is not yet available for Microsoft Word so if your professor requires you to use this edition, you will have to make sure the changes listed above are reflected in your paper.

Using the APA format is good because it gives clarity to papers, particularly complex ones, because it is easy to read and understand. In addition, it allows for better flow, keeping focus on the paper’s content and the reader is better able to cross-reference the sources cited.

13. Can you download APA 7th edition?

You can access an APA Manual 7th edition in various formats; hardcover, paperback and spiral-bound, as well as downloading an e-book version. However, it cannot be downloaded.

14. How do I cite a PDF document in APA 7th as a reference?

To give an example of APA 7th edition formatting, you would cite a PDF similar to a webpage by including the author(s) name(s), year and date, title in italics, and the URL leading to the PDF.

15. What are the five levels of APA style headings?

The APA format has five style headings, all of which are supposed to help guide the reader. The five levels of APA style headings are:

  1. Center aligned with bold font and title case heading
  2. Left aligned with bold font and title case heading
  3. Similar as level 2 except they are all in italics
  4. Indented with bold font and title case heading followed by a period
  5. Similar as level 4 except they are all in italics

16. Is a running head required for APA 7th edition?

A running head is used in APA 7th edition only when required for manuscripts that are being submitted for publication. Unless a professor or university requests it, student papers do not need to have a running head.

17. How do you do create a hanging indent in Microsoft Word?

There may come a point when you need to do hanging indents. If your paper requires hanging indents, you can easily create them using the following steps.

  • Select the text you want.
  • Click on the Indents and Spacing button in Paragraph dialog launcher.
  • Select Hanging from under the Special tab and adjust the depth of the indent using the By field.
  • Select OK to confirm the changes and have everything done.

18. How can I save time formatting my paper?

Writing papers can be very time-consuming so if you want to save time formatting your paper, you can try using an APA formatting software.

19. How is a bibliography different from a reference list?

Some people get confused about the reference list and bibliography. To avoid this, remember that the bibliography is a list of all the sources used during the research and background reading while the reference list shows only the sources referred to in the paper

If you are writing a paper and do not have access to a formatting software, the steps and information provided in this article are a good guide to using the APA 7the edition.

If you need more help, feel free to contact us or place an order below for our help with your paper in 7th edition APA format.

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